8.1. Review of available maps tabs

First of all, let's review the available maps tabs and their main focuses:

Area and zoning

This map shows the chosen study area and elementary zoning.


This map shows the chosen study area and elementary zoning.


This map shows the value of the chosen denominator indicator for each unit of the elementary zoning.


This map shows the distribution of the ratio (numerator/denominator) over the units of the elementary zoning.

General deviation

This map proposes the relative perspective of the distribution of the ratio over the units of the elementary zoning: each absolute measure is put in relation with a reference value. The reference value is common for the whole area. The index value is 100 when an elementary unit has exactly the same value than the reference value or area. It is 200 when the elementary unit measure is twice the measure of the reference area, it is 50 when this is half the measure of the reference area.

Territorial deviation

This map proposes the relative perspective of the distribution of the ratio over the units of the elementary zoning: each absolute measure is put in relation with the value of its upper unit in the reference zoning. The index value is 100 when an elementary unit has exactly the same value than its reference unit. It is 200 when the elementary unit measure is twice the measure of the reference unit, it is 50 when it is half the measure of the reference unit.

Spatial deviation

This map proposes the relative perspective of the distribution of the ratio over the units of the elementary zoning: each absolute measure is put in relation with the value of its neighborhood, as defined by the local reference. The index value is 100 when an elementary unit has exactly the same value than its neighborhood. It is 200 when the elementary unit measure is twice the measure of its neighborhood, it is 50 when it is half the measure of its neighborhood.


This map proposes a synthesis of the different perspectives by considering the three different contexts. The synthesis is based on a deviation threshold, either by upper values or by lower value. These parameters depend on the meaning of the ration and they must be chosen by the user. Then, a typology of the regions which check the condition for at least one context is performed.