Appendix B. About

This document is part of the HyperCarte Research Group projects. It has been generated at the following date, 2013-07-05 15:26:55, from the svn rev 1088 sources of the docbench project.

This document has been written by the LIG STeamer team.

For any comment question or suggestion, please please visit or contact Jérôme Gensel .

Laboratoire LIG UMR 5217, Equipe STeamer 681 rue de la Passerelle, Domaine Universitaire BP 72 38402 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex FRANCE Tel: (+33) (0)4 76 82 72 80 Fax: (+33) (0)4 76 82 72 87


Based on DocBook technology [1], this document is written in XML format, sources are validated with DocBook DTD 4.5CR3, then sources are transformed to HTML and PDF formats by using DocBook xslt 1.73.2 stylesheets. The generation of the documents is automatized thanks to the docbench LIG STeamer project that is based on Ant [2], java [3], processors Xalan[4] and FOP [5]. Note that Xslt standard stylesheets are customized in order to get a better image resolution in PDF generated output for admonitions icons: the generated sizes of these icons were turned from 30 to 12 pt.

[1] [on line] (last visit: July 2011)

[2] [on line] Apache Ant - Welcome. Version 1.7.1 (last visit: July 2011)

[3] [on line] Developer Resources For Java Technology (last visit: July 2011). Version 1.6.0_03-b05.

[4] [on line] Xalan-Java Version 2.7.1 (last visit: 18 november 2009). Version 2.7.1.

[5] [on line] Apache FOP (last visit: July 2011). Version 0.94.