HyperAdmin User's Manual

HyperCarte Research Group

Revision History
Revision 0 (svn rev 1088)2013-07-05 15:26:50
Work under progress, to be completed


This document provides the minimum information on how to build a HyperAtlas dataset hyp file. The .hyp files are binary files that can be loaded by the HyperAtlas software. HyperAdmin is an integration tool that aims at generating .hyp files from a set of input files. This document describes the expected input files for HyperAdmin.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction: HyperCarte Research Group
2. HyperAdmin Overview
3. Geometry input
3.1. The MID file
3.2. The MIF file
3.3. Layer of main cities
4. Structure/Contiguity input
4.1. Structure input
4.2. Contiguity input (optional)
5. Stocks input
5.1. HyperAdmin input data file format
5.1.1. About
5.1.2. Data
5.1.3. Default
5.1.4. Label
5.1.5. Metadata
5.1.6. Provider
5.1.7. RatioStock
5.1.8. StockInfo
6. How to use HyperAdminimal
6.1. Launching HyperAdminimal
6.2. Using HyperAdminimal
6.2.1. Saving and loading the build parameters
A. References
B. About

List of Figures

2.1. HyperCarte Workflow
3.1. MIF file header
3.2. Example of two "Region" entries in the MIF file Data section
4.1. Number S of needed sheets for n units
6.1. HyperAdminimal main frame at startup
6.2. HyperAdminimal parameters XML file format sample

List of Tables

4.1. Overview of expected sheets for data structure input
4.2. Sample input Unit sheet
4.3. Sample input Area sheet
4.4. Sample input Zoning sheet
4.5. Sample input UnitSup sheet
4.6. Sample input UnitArea sheet
4.7. Sample input UnitZoning sheet
4.8. Sample input Language sheet
4.9. Sample input UnitLanguage sheet
4.10. Sample input AreaLanguage sheet
4.11. Sample input ZoningLanguage sheet
4.12. Overview of expected sheets for contiguity input
4.13. Sample input Contiguity sheet
4.14. Sample input ContiguityLanguage sheet
4.15. Sample input Neighbourhood sheet
4.16. Sample input NeighbourhoodLanguage sheet
4.17. Sample input ContiguityZoning sheet
4.18. Sample input ContiguityArea sheet
4.19. Sample input UnitContiguity sheet
4.20. Example of needed sheets number
5.1. V2 sample About sheet
5.2. V2 sample Data sheet
5.3. V2 sample Default sheet
5.4. V2 sample Label sheet
5.5. V2 sample Metadata sheet
5.6. V2 sample Provider sheet
5.7. V2 sample RatioStock sheet
5.8. V2 sample StockInfo sheet